Marketting & Execution

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  In recent years, with the rapid development of China's tourism industry, the competition has become more intense tourist destinations, all kinds of tourism products face homogenization problem, which is the inevitable development of the tourism market is the tourism market must be solved. But while observing the domestic tourism market, we can easily identify those stand out tourist destinations such as Lijiang, Wuzhen and so on. Facts have proved that a good marketing plan for tourist destinations and scenic spots, it is very important. 

  The new scenic space agencies for planning and development with many years of experience, has a dedicated tourism marketing system and mature experience in institutional business to the downstream industry chain extension process, will help more tourism businesses to market.

  Tourism enterprises marketing planning with a variety of ways, through tourism destination branding, tourism product special planning, filming commercials and other means, to evoke emotional resonance target tourists, effectively strengthen consumer memory, establish and enhance destination brand image, establish a destination brand position in the eyes of tourists goal to create a strong brand equity.

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